About Us

Knives are all about passion, so passion created us.

We are two best friends who’s passion for creating knives made us found the company Max Knives. Our goal is to put a smile on your face every time you look at one of our knives. We put together the finest materials on the market, hi-end fit and finish to make the highest quality knives. Many years of experience as users of knives show us what you need from one so we made knives which beside their clear beauty are the most usable knives on earth.

Why to buy our knives?
Some people say that our knives are expensive. No they are not, they are worth every penny. Yes, you can buy many cheap knives for price of one our, but do you really want to carry 10 cheap, uncomfortable, heavy knives in your backpack? Do you really want to think about if the knife can handle it? No you don’t. You want one reliable and durable knife which can do anything you put in front of it.
Every of our knives goes through rigorous testing cycles before start production, which ensure that you get only the best.

Handmade knives

Full handmade knives that we offer you are made only by our hands, from finest material carefully chosen for each knife individually. We put a lot of time and attention to its finest details. Our handmade knives are cut and shaped by hand. Then we put bevels on it with our belt grinders, and hand sand it to ensure a completely flat surface before it goes to quench. Then after we quench it we hand sand it once more and put to it a satin finish or mirror polish. After hours and hours of sanding we put a handle on it. Then shape it to fit your hand without any hot spots when they are used. After fine shaping and polishing our handles we put a shellac on it and polish it. Our sheaths are also made completely by hand. Even stitch on our leather sheaths are made by hand. After all that work they are ready to be sharpen also by hand. And finally they are ready for customer.


In our offer you can find a semi-handmade knives. What that means? Why are they cheaper then handmade? For semi-handmade knives we do a lot of work by machines to make it faster. First we send a draw to a water jet machine to cut us a blanks for blades. Then we put bevels on it. After that we heat treat them in the same way we do it with our handmade knives. We put a satin finish on it with our grinders also by hand. Then we put CNC roughly pre-shaped handles on it and put a fit and finish on it by hand. So our semi-handmade knives are mostly made just like handmade but a bit faster.